Collagen – is it worth taking? For some, the popularity of products containing this protein may seem like a passing trend. However, it is an indisputable fact that around our 25th birthday we stop producing collagen, which has a strong influence on how we feel and look. In our opinion, there are a whole host of reasons as to why you should turn to supplements – we have summarised the 6 most important ones below!
Move with Ease – Support for Your Joints and Bones
“Aging is no fun, that’s just how it is”. How often have you heard these words when your bones creak or your joints ache? After collagen, most of these symptoms can disappear and weekend gardening will no longer be associated with pain, but with relaxation!
Stronger Hair and Nails – The Beauty Boost You Need
Taking collagen supplements enhances your natural beauty. As a key building block of both hair and nails, collagen helps boost hair volume and strength while keeping nails resilient and healthy—whether polished or natural.
Smooth Out Wrinkles and Restore Your Skin’s Elasticity
Collagen is considered the “scaffolding” of the skin. When we strengthen this structure regularly, deep wrinkles are no longer visible, and the formation of new wrinkles is delayed. Add a collagen supplement to your anti-wrinkle cream, and you will definitely notice the results!
A Firm and Toned Body – Keep Skin Tight and Lifted
The beauty effect on hair, nails and wrinkles have already been written about. In addition, collagen tones the body, helps fight cellulite and prevents the skin from sagging during dieting. It fights gravity in every way and that’s why it’s winning so many fans!
Heal Faster – Support for Wounds and Scars
Wound healing involves, among other things, increased production of collagen by the cells of the connective tissue. Supplementation is strongly recommended to support and accelerate this process. Not only for post-operative scars, but also for the remains of acne or common cuts.
Collagen for Athletes – Boost Performance and Recovery
Physically active people, including professionals, can benefit from taking collagen supplements:
It is a special protein that, in combination with training, helps to build muscle mass. Collagen also ensures that we recover faster after exercise and are less prone to injury.
Is It Worth Taking Collagen?
6 arguments for a “yes”. Those who doubt the usefulness of collagen supplementation can be encouraged because the protein is completely natural to the human body. It is extremely rare to have side effects from taking collagen, and it is also difficult to overdose on it.
Numerous studies have shown that there is a close connection between the intake of collagen and the health of connective tissue and that the supply of this protein has a decisive influence on a person’s well-being and appearance. Of course, you can try to eat a diet rich in collagen and eat, for example, knuckle of pork, octopus, jelly, cartilage or eggs, but this is unlikely to be able to compensate for the deficiency. Besides, not everyone likes such specialities.
If we choose good quality drinkable collagen, we can be sure that it will be palatable or at least tasteless. The intake of drinkable collagen should not cause any discomfort – as is the case with powdered collagen. All we need is a little patience – just like other supplements, collagen must be taken for at least a month, preferably three months, or even six months if we have joint or bone health problems. Only then will it be possible to observe what effect the intake of the “protein of youth” has.
Have you tried our Primabiotic Collagen? Not yet? Don’t wait. Order our bestseller now! See the noticeable effects for yourself!
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