The buzz surrounding collagen’s properties is growing, with more individuals opting for supplementation. But can expectant mothers and breastfeeding women reap its benefits? Let’s delve into a topic that has long been shrouded in uncertainty!

So, what exactly is collagen?

Collagen stands as a protein naturally occurring in our bodies, serving as the primary component of connective tissue. It plays a pivotal role in skin health, affecting its elasticity and overall condition.

Additionally, it acts as a foundational material for joints, cartilage, blood vessels, the eye cornea, and influences the production of synovial fluid.

As we age, the body’s synthesis of collagen dwindles, resulting in wrinkles, weakened hair and nails, joint discomfort, and a higher susceptibility to fractures.

  • collagen

    Primabiotic Collagen

    From $145.00
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Supplementing during pregnancy

Pregnancy entails heightened nutritional requirements, among which is protein. This nutrient, essential for building new fetal tissues and maintaining maternal weight, should be increased during pregnancy.

Guidelines recommend elevating protein intake to around 1.20 g/kg of the current body weight per day for expectant mothers. While a balanced diet should ideally be the primary protein source for pregnant women, achieving this balance isn’t always feasible.

Collagen during pregnancy – Is it beneficial?

Incorporating collagen during this crucial period can help meet the increased protein demands. As a source of amino acids, it’s crucial not to exceed recommended intake levels during pregnancy. The suggested daily dose for pregnant and lactating women, from both dietary sources and supplementation, is approximately 70-100 g per day.

Collagen & breastfeeding

Given that collagen is a naturally occurring protein in the body, there are no contraindications for its use during breastfeeding. The recommended additional intake level for non-breastfeeding women during the first six months postpartum is 18-20 g/day, and from six to 12 months postpartum, it’s advised to aim for an additional 12.5 g/day.

Benefits of collagen supplementation during pregnancy and lactation.

Effective collagen supplementation can yield numerous advantages, such as:

  • Diminished stretch marks: Collagen supplementation during pregnancy can restore skin firmness and hydration, minimizing the visibility of stretch marks.
  • Strengthened hair and nails: Essential amino acids in collagen nourish hair and nails, promoting proper growth and revitalization.
  • Enhanced joint and bone health: Collagen serves as a primary builder of bones and joints for both mother and child, with supplementation aiding in joint fluid production.
  • Quicker post-pregnancy recovery: Proper collagen supplementation supports the body’s return to its pre-pregnancy shape and figure.

Types of collagen supplements

  • Hydrolyzed collagen: Characterized by a high absorption rate, hydrolyzed collagen contains low molecular weight peptides produced during the hydrolysis process.
  • Natural collagen: Pregnant women should opt for natural collagen without artificial additives, preservatives, colorings, sweeteners, or fillers.
  • Liquid collagen: Easily absorbed by the body, drinkable collagen is a convenient option.
  • Enriched with vitamin C: Vitamin C presence in the supplement enhances collagen synthesis.

An optimal choice for expectant and lactating mothers would be the Primabiotic Collagen dietary supplement. Easily digestible and meeting all the aforementioned criteria, it also boasts delicious taste!

Recommended collagen dosage during pregnancy

A safe daily collagen dose for women typically ranges from 2.5-15g, depending on the supplement type and purpose. Individuals with allergies or conditions like psoriasis, collagenosis, or vasculitis should exercise particular caution.

Collagen supplementation during pregnancy: A wrap-up

In conclusion, collagen supplementation is considered safe for pregnant and lactating women. However, it’s crucial to consult a healthcare professional before introducing any supplementation during pregnancy and lactation.